Chinese Hotpot

Blog Posts:

  • We went to ChengduWe went to Chengdu

    Chengdu was where my wife and I spent our honeymoon. We used the city as a base to explore the immediate area around this relatively clean…

  • 美食篇-火锅 // Chinese Hotpot美食篇-火锅 // Chinese Hotpot

    火锅算是我们中华美食的标志了,厌倦了西餐后,我开始尝试做各种美食,火锅当属简单容易又很美味的首选,由于在国外食材有限,所以一切从简。 Chinese hot pot is very basic and common Chinese food, and very easy to…

  • Beijing; Where to Stay and Getting AroundBeijing; Where to Stay and Getting Around

    This has to be my favourite city in the world. It’s just mental, but in a good way. I like cities, I like the skylines and the general pace…

  • Chinese National moving to the UKChinese National moving to the UK

    My wife is a Chinese national, after marrying, our plans were always to return to the UK and to start our married lives together in my home…

  • My first visit to a KTVMy first visit to a KTV

    Checkout our YouTube video that shows how terrible we are at singing! We really destroy a number of great songs! Also, I really need to work…

  • Beijing has Mountains!!Beijing has Mountains!!

    In 2022, Beijing became the first city to have hosted both the Summer & Winter Olympics. For those of us that have been to Beijing, you’ll…

  • Visit XianVisit Xian

    For the people that know me, you’ll know I don’t really care for the normal tourist trail. I like to see the real world, not the bit that…

  • The Wedding CeremonyThe Wedding Ceremony

    If this was an English wedding, the big day would probably be the day of the legal marriage. In fact, I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard of an…

  • The Pre-Wedding Photo-shootThe Pre-Wedding Photo-shoot

    The day starts with a quick breakfast, of course, this being rural China, the breakfast is still considered to be one of the major meals and…

  • Legally Married in ChinaLegally Married in China

    So you’ve got your single certificate, what next? Well now comes the interesting bit, well, actually, when I say ‘interesting’ I mean it’s…

  • So you want to get Married in China?So you want to get Married in China?

    I’m going to start this blog with a post about my experiences, as an English man, marrying the love of my life, a Chinese woman, in China. I…

  • 初到英国初到英国

    2015年的boxing day…

  • Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda BreedingChengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

    If you’re visiting Sichuan, or especially, Chengdu, then this has to be at the top of your list, and at around 60 RMB (about £6) for entry…